Our Investment
Yuncture Invest operates in parallel with the Incubator and House and is responsible for all types of investments in innovative companies. This includes investments in projects that are part of the incubator program as well as completely external companies.
The company provides an innovative system for businesses selling to end consumers. Their customers recognize the need to connect with potential customers, whether it's about product advice, quoting, or any form of implementation projects.
salesbyte.se | Investment year 2024
Nothing F!shy
Nothing F!SHY manufactures the market's best frozen, vegan fish substitutes. The texture, taste, and appearance of their products are identical to real fish, making it difficult for you to detect the difference. Their vision is for you to continue enjoying the feeling and taste of fish and fish dishes without the negative effects on ocean species, their habitat, and our environment.
nothingfishy.se | Investment year 2023
Gottlery sells edible biscuit spoons and is the solution for those who want to reduce waste from disposable cutlery. The edible spoons are perfect for all types of soft desserts and are made from natural vegan ingredients, making them both lactose-free and completely biodegradable.
gottlery.se | Investment year 2022
The company has developed an app that helps businesses create a healthier and more engaged workplace with digital health activities. By integrating into existing platforms such as Slack and Microsoft Teams, GuineaPig enables maximum accessibility. Currently, the company's app has thousands of users and several paying corporate customers in the Nordic region, Australia, and the USA, among others.
guineapig.app | Investment year 2022
The Vividye team has developed a dyeing and color removal technique for textiles, giving clothing a new life instead of being discarded. By providing a responsible alternative to fast fashion and extending the lifespan of garments, they reduce the demand for new raw materials. Vividye's dyeing and color removal processes also have increased resource efficiency in terms of water consumption and are friendly to both people and the environment.
vividye.com | Investment year 2022
MyBlend was launched in 2019 with the vision of allowing everyone to enjoy smoothies and shakes without any hassle. They manufacture and sell portable blenders that allow you to quickly and easily blend your favorite smoothie anywhere, and in under 40 seconds. Their blenders have enough power to mix all your favorites, including frozen fruits and ice, anytime and anywhere.
getmyblend.com | Investment year 2022
The company targets motorcycle enthusiasts and has the idea of saving lives through their self-developed app with a built-in crash algorithm. The crash algorithm sends a message to the rider's ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact and the emergency center if the rider were to have an accident. The app also includes a social forum where users can share routes, plan future rides, and access motorcycle-related offers.
detechtapp.com | Investment year 2021
Artist Arena
As a subsidiary of DIVE Madhouse, the company supports artists worldwide by offering a digital platform that includes an online gallery, community, transaction management, and additional exposure. Additionally, Artist Arena members have the opportunity to sell their art in the company's physical gallery and be featured on social media.
artistarena.co | Investment year 2021
The company has developed software tools used to visually plan and control complex projects in a comprehensive manner. The customers are primarily in the construction industry, where Yolean has recently established several customer collaborations, and in the manufacturing industry, where the tool is used in larger development projects and organizations.
yolean.com | Investment year 2020
The company offers an application where users can input their health data and symptoms. Based on the data, BYON8 asks relevant medical questions and then calculates a health recommendation. The recommendation includes everything from the level of care needed to relevant diagnosis suggestions that can be linked to the symptoms. BYON8 primarily focuses on the African market.
byon8.com | Investment year 2020
DIVE Madhouse
With a large following on Instagram, DIVE Madhouse is one of the largest artists in the Nordic region on social media. The artist behind the pseudonym, Fredrik Sologub, is present worldwide with his art, which has gained attention in India, the USA, China, and France, among other places.
divemadhouse.com | Investment year 2018
The company has developed a CRM system for Monitor ERP that helps salespeople at industrial companies develop and become more efficient in their sales work. With Enabi sales support, everything is integrated and synchronized, which makes work easier.
enabi.io | Investment year 2024
Invest With Ownership
We are always looking for opportunities to invest in innovative ideas. If you feel that we could be a perfect match, please feel free to submit your application. What we are looking for in a partnership:
If you prefer to contact us directly please send an email to info@yuncture.com